St Celfer (john parker) resides in São Paulo and Seattle, the latter living off/on since 1990. As an avid fan during the Seattle 90s, St Celfer, under numerous aliases, took part in 00's New York scene at venues such as Andrew Kreps, CBGB’s, and The Kitchen

Exhibitions/Performances include:

St Celfer, once a New York artist, is now based in Seattle and São Paulo with drawings on display at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC-USP).

Initially self-taught, he made art objects while preparing as an athlete for the 1992 Olympics. After Barcelona, he studied in Seattle, and, later, Philadelphia. In 1999 he moved to Brooklyn and showed installations applying painting’s ideas of plasticity to everyday inexpensive objects (Gleaned Detritus Project™).  Adding an interactive element he followed the same approach in the medium of sound (Listeners™). Furthermore, as a music fan of the 1990's Seattle, he performed in 2000's New York scene. Frustrated with the notion of making a living through object production, he extended his visual work to the digital realm ( &, alongside his music releases, by creating images based on failing digital processes.

He currently has two projects: first, fighting the tyranny of the square, the urge to codify and name (Space Between Points™) and second, acquiescing to the adaptive function of delusion, the need to mythologize and invent (Step.4D™).